Two daytime tests can be conducted at the Sleep Disorders Clinic Hamilton location.
The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is used in the diagnosis of narcolepsy. It consists of 4 to 5 naps approximately 20 minutes in length that span over the entire day. During these naps, you should lay quietly and try to drift off to sleep. You will attend an overnight study the night before followed by a day time. You will stay until mid to late afternoon. You will go to bed repeatedly during the day to nap. You will see a doctor before you leave in the afternoon who will review the results of the day time test with you.
Please download MSLT instructions here.
The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) consists of four, forty minute test periods every two hours that span over the entire day. You will be at the clinic until approximately 5pm.
Please download MWT instructions here.